Saves time. Individual. DIGITAL.

How your ambitious team stays healthy and productive.

With the WAY TO WIN method by Lea Feder, based on years of experience in competitive sport, her medical studies and the support of over 2000 clients by her team of almost 20 experts at WAY TO WIN, the individual is viewed holistically in the areas of nutrition, exercise and stress management (physical and mental). 

12 months of online coaching with accompanying individual measurements.

Results-oriented and efficient

Maximum results with minimum time investment.

Using the latest measurement technology, we analyze the everyday lives of individual participants. This enables us to make targeted recommendations for new routines that lead to measurable results in a minimum of time.

100% participation rate

We support the participants on a daily basis with individual measurements and recommendations for implementation and thus inspire your entire team. This has a positive effect on team cohesion, employee loyalty and employer branding.

Individual measurements

By taking measurements in everyday life, we recognize the individual adjusting screws and can take targeted action. In this way, we ensure that participants achieve maximum results in a minimum of time.

Satisfied employees

Satisfied, high-performing employees are not only more productive, but also more resilient in stressful phases, which has a positive effect on team dynamics.

Measurable results

The results of our collaboration can be clearly illustrated by continuous measurements. Of course, we work discreetly and do not share individual results, but anonymized statistics of the team’s progress.

WAY TO WIN coaching in figures.

Average improvement in stress parameters
0 %
average weight loss
- 0 kg
0 %

Strong team

The advantages of being a managing director

Increased team cohesion

Pursuing a common goal strengthens team cohesion. We design our collaboration in such a way that your team will interact more, which will significantly improve the atmosphere in the team.

Increased team productivity

Through physical activity and a healthy diet, employees can increase their mental performance and thus contribute to a higher quality of work and creativity.

Fewer sick notes

Healthier and satisfied employees also tend to have less sick leave and absenteeism, which contributes to higher productivity and efficiency in the company.

Stronger employee loyalty

Offering honest benefits for employees is honest appreciation that strengthens employee loyalty to the company in the long term.

More attractive as an employer

If employees feel that the company cares about their well-being and offers them opportunities to improve their health and fitness, this can increase their motivation and satisfaction at work.


These companies already trust us.

This is what our collaboration looks like

The three pillars of our cooperation.

In our collaboration, we attach great importance to a holistic approach based on three main pillars. These pillars form the foundation of our successful cooperation and enable us to achieve outstanding results together.

If the body cannot recover at night, even relaxation exercises and mental training will not work. We work on the basis and show the participants stress management that really works.

We support the participants in establishing successful routines. The effectiveness is confirmed by continuous blood glucose measurements and the background to our recommendations is explained clearly.

Participants receive targeted and evidence-based recommendations, adapted to their everyday life and stress levels, including individual nutritional information. The recommendations range from everyday exercise to personal training and endurance training.

This is what our collaboration looks like

The three pillars of our cooperation.

In our collaboration, we attach great importance to a holistic approach based on three main pillars. These pillars form the foundation of our successful cooperation and enable us to achieve outstanding results together.

If the body cannot recover at night, even relaxation exercises and mental training will not work. We work on the basis and show the participants stress management that really works.

Oura Ring – Sleep tracking

We support the participants in establishing successful routines. The effectiveness is confirmed by continuous blood glucose measurements and the background to our recommendations is explained clearly.

Continuous blood glucose monitoring

Participants receive targeted and evidence-based recommendations, adapted to their everyday life and stress levels, including individual nutritional information. The recommendations range from everyday exercise to personal training and endurance training.

Oura Ring – Motion tracking

Fedrigoni Deutschland GmbH breaks new ground

After years of rapid growth in our fine paper business, we have decided to prevent a possible attrition of the management team.
Today, after a few months, it can be summarized that the entire management team has made a great leap forward, is also more aware of the dangers of a possible overload and has been able to proactively and permanently shift its own performance limits with coaching and thus reach a higher level with a better feeling/self-assessment at the same time.
After years of rapid growth in our fine paper business, we have decided to prevent a possible attrition of the management team.
In order to avoid a dangerous overload caused by permanent acquisitions of other market participants and the associated restructuring and merger issues, the development of new markets and the introduction of many new instruments, we decided to cooperate with a company with a background in competitive sports.
Because growth also needs to be managed.
Marcus Lange, Managing Director of Fedrigoni Deutschland GmbH, headquartered in Oberhaching/Munich, presented the thesis that the stress/regeneration from top-class sport is comparable to that of a management team in a rapidly growing industrial company.
It proved to be a stroke of luck to make contact with Waytowin/Taufkirchen. After initial preliminary talks, it was clear that the chemistry was right for such a cooperation and the project was launched.
Today, after a few months, it can be summarized that the entire management team has made a great leap forward, is also more aware of the dangers of a possible overload and has been able to proactively and permanently shift its own performance limits with coaching and thus reach a higher level with a better feeling/self-assessment at the same time.
Parallel to this project, a sporting background was launched with B2Run in the form of a national running series for employees and customers, so that the cooperation with Waytowin could also be underpinned in the daily sporting orientation.


That's how we get into conversation.

This is how we find out whether we fit together and what our collaboration could look like:

You request a free initial consultation via our website and answer a few questions.
100 % non-binding
One of our employees will talk to you about your request and assign you the right contact person.
Limited to a limited number of companies

A strategy consultant advises you individually on your team situation for 60 minutes and develops a strategy together with you.

Customized for you and your company
At the start of the collaboration, we hold onboarding meetings with all participants. We also send the measuring instruments and provide support during setup. We then work with each participant to develop a plan of action and assist with its implementation.
The collaboration is digital.

12 months of coaching for healthy performance.

The WAY TO WIN method combines scientific depth with experience from competitive sport and the cooperation with over 2000 people at WAY TO WIN. Together with her team of experts, Lea Feder passes on her expertise and methodology from the fields of medicine, competitive sport and bioinformatics.

  • Onboarding workshop
    Several live coaching sessions per week with the WAY TO WIN team
  • Weekly live coaching with Lea Feder
  • Daily chat support from the WAY TO WIN team
  • Accompanying online member area including videos, tasks and feedback
    > 100 functional exercises
    > 100 dishes including individual recommendation
  • Individual measurements of nutrition, stress and sleep


Frequently asked questions.

We have collected the most frequently asked questions for you. If you have any further questions, we would be delighted to receive an appointment request so that we can explain everything to you at your leisure.

Alternatively, you can also write to us at

At the beginning of the collaboration, we conduct an onboarding meeting with each participant in which we address individual challenges. Everyone then receives individual, targeted recommendations based on the onboarding interview and the measurements taken during the process.

We are keen to keep the time required to implement the program as short as possible. On average, participants invest around 60 minutes per week. To compensate for this, however, we are establishing new routines and greater efficiency, which will result in massive time savings in the medium and long term.

Implementation takes place in everyday life. Short chat communication, PDF evaluations, own continuous measurements and questionnaires offer minimum time investment with maximum results. Accompanying content is summarized in short 5-10 minute videos, 1-2 of which should be consumed per week.

Yes, all of our coaching can be implemented digitally. We send the measuring devices, including an instruction video, so that no on-site appointment is necessary. Support during implementation is also provided via a digital learning platform.
We are happy to offer additional personal kick-off appointments on site by arrangement.

"I did the WAY TO WIN program with my entire management team - it had an incredibly positive impact. "

Marcus Lange - Managing Director D | AT | CZ | HU | SK I PL BALTICS at Fedrigoni

"I did the WAY TO WIN program with my entire management team - it had an incredibly positive impact. "

Marcus Lange - Managing Director D | AT | CZ | HU | SK I PL BALTICS at Fedrigoni